
CDC, Doctors Must Add Cleaning Cell Phones to Flu Prevention Tips

The Mobile Hygiene Campaign is urging infection prevention experts to add cleaning cell phones to their flu prevention guidelines.
As new information surfaces about the spread of infection through cell phones, the Mobile Hygiene Campaign, launched by cell phone wipe maker CleenCell® is urging medical professionals, hospital personnel, and parents update their standards to match the rapidly evolving mobile phone market.
Recent studies have shown that a cell phone is a breeding ground for bacteria and poses a significant pathogenic health risk to users. Most of today’s infection prevention guidelines, including the CDC’s Flu Prevention Tool Kit, were drafted before the prevalence of cell phones in every person’s hand.
“Cell phone usage trends have changed and hygiene habits should follow,” says David Shar, Chief Marketing Officer for CleenCell® and Director of the Mobile Hygiene Movement. “We now use our phones at the park, in a hospital, in the bathroom, and then during a meal or while in bed, sometimes just in one day. Not enough infection prevention experts are talking about this with patients. We’re changing that.”
Mr. Shar points out hand washing remains the most effective method to prevent infections from entering the body, but quickly quotes microbiologists who have studied the topic and concluded that cleaning cell phones is “near hand hygiene” when it comes to preventing infection.
MobileHyigiene.org is working with several infection prevention departments to implement the first hospital-specific guidelines for cell phone and personal electronic cleanliness of health care workers. To collaborate with the Mobile Hygiene Movement, please email info@moiblehygiene.org